Spring has officially arrived last week and witnessing how Nature is slowly waking up and blossoming is inspiring. In this blog post, I want to share 15 things I am doing this spring for my soul, mind, and body and maybe it will motivate you too to bring small but powerful changes into your life.
In a way, this is my personal spring bucket list. I chose to focus on a few things and some of them are actually connected in a way.
15 things to do this spring
1| Exercising. In one of my previous blog posts, I mentioned that I gained weight and I now have to lose it. At the end of May, we will finally have our wedding photoshoot so I definitely need to make sure that I can fit into my wedding dress. On top of that, I am also getting older and I am starting my long-term health journey. I wish I started it earlier but it is what it is. I created a plan for myself for being more active.
It’s up to you if you want to lose weight, be more active, or become fit but to start exercising for mental and physical health is a great goal for the spring bucket list.
If you’re busy and don’t have time for long workouts, I have a blog post about easy and short workouts 5 easy workouts for busy people.
2| Spring cleaning. This is a must. I already cleaned and organized certain areas in our home and plan to do more. Spring cleaning doesn’t mean only cleaning your physical space but also your digital space. I am planning to clean my email, Google drive, social media, phone, and desktop.
3| Go outside more and learn something new about nature. With my goal to be more active, I also plan to spend way more time in nature than before. I love learning about plants, stones, animals, and so I think getting to know the environment around you is a great thing to do.
4| Eat more seasonal fruits and veggies. Since I am working on my health and weight, I want to eat more fruits and veggies that are in season and avoid fast food and restaurants. I think eating seasonal food can open a new palette for this time of the year and offer new experiences.
5| Set a new lifestyle routine. The days are becoming longer and warmer so why not change your schedule and routine accordingly? For example, go outside more, have a skincare routine for this changing weather, or spend more time on personal growth? I love implementing new things into my life and spring seems like a perfect season for this.
6| Gardening. I will be honest, I can’t plant or have any plants this time because of our cat Pringle who is extremely curious and he ends up destroying every plant. Additionally, we also don’t have any space to hide plants from him. But getting new plants, planting seeds, taking care of your flowers is something that I love to do and it’s a great way to connect with nature and disconnect from the day-to-day hustle.
7| Get a new hobby and finish old projects. I have a bunch of crochet projects that I need to finish so this spring I really want to be done with them finally. When it comes to new hobbies – coloring books and learning about plants (herbalism and botany) are my two new interests. I am also planning to improve my Photoshop and Lightroom skills this season.
8| Change your hair. I am not planning to change my hair since I am focusing on growing my natural hair and I cut my hair recently. But changing your hairstyle can be a great start for new changes. It can be a simple haircut or a complete makeover. When I feel stuck, I love to cut my hair way shorter than before. It doesn’t solve any issues, of course, but it feels great.
9| Self-care and self-discovery. This spring my focus is even more on self-discovery and self-care. Lately, I’ve been feeling very lost and behind in life, taking care of my soul makes me feel better and at peace. Now I am doing a lot of self-reflection and shadow work to become my honest authentic self.
10| Change your style. This can be extremely fun and challenging at the same time. Experimenting with your clothes, shoes, and accessories is always interesting. For me personally, dressing up and expressing myself has been hard since around 2018. I feel like I lost my authenticity and identity. But part of my self-discovery is actually finding my own voice and the way I can express myself truthfully. I know that by the end of this spring I probably will not have another style and a wardrobe full of brand-new (or thrifted) clothes, but getting closer to my honest self and dressing up the way I like more and more is definitely on my spring bucket list.
11| Have a picnic outside. This is my dream this spring. In Raleigh, there are so many beautiful locations and picnic areas where you can sit down and enjoy a nice day or evening while eating. I can’t wait until it gets a bit warmer to have lunches or dinners outside.
12| Read more. I need to catch up on my reading bucket list and this spring I am planning to read at least 10 books. I don’t know if this is too optimistic but I will try to do my best. I want to read more poetry and fiction instead of personal development this time. Spring always inspires me to dive into classics and poetry.
13| Set 3 new goals. I love setting goals and I think 3 is an optimal number for a few months. These goals can be small or big, long- or short-term. But I believe setting new goals can help to reorganize your life and set new priorities.
14| Make more art. Creating and crafting is my alternative to meditation. It brings me closer to my real and authentic self. Read my blog post 8 alternative ways to practice meditation.
15| Enjoy my life more. The current situation in the world can be extremely upsetting. I spent my time crying and being sad for far too long. The harsh truth is that my life doesn’t stop and it is up to me how I will react to certain things and events. I can be angry and devastated, have no energy for anything or I can be more proactive and enjoy every moment right here and right now even if tomorrow is promised.
Something I understood in the past month is that this life will end sooner or later, and I’d rather spend my life happy knowing that I tried everything to make changes for myself or others than regret my wasted time. I know the latter feeling and it is not pretty.
I hope this was a little bit inspiring. Small changes always matter and this is what brings change into our life ultimately. Let me know what is your bucket list for this spring or upcoming summer.
Read more:
- 11 ways to deal with a stressful situation
- My top 20 favorite affirmations for self-love
- How to love yourself? 5 simple ways to practice self-love