In February, I am talking about self-care and self-acceptance. In this blog post, I want to share my top 20 favorite affirmations that I use daily for self-love and self-confidence. Journaling and writing down my intentions and affirmations are a part of my morning routine that I barely skip.
Why affirmations?
I know that some people think affirmations are useless or don’t do anything. But I think we cannot deny the power of words. Words can make us feel upset, angry, happy, motivated, excited, etc. So affirmations are definitely a powerful tool that can uplift and inspire you, and make you more confident and focused.
I think it is just such a simple tool that is accessible to all of us that it is kind of weird that we do not use it more often. As I mentioned before, all of us can feel how words influence us in one way or another, so this is not some miraculous snake oil that will cure everyone because I or someone else promises so. And you don’t have to buy anything or simply waste your money using affirmations. Honestly, you do not even need anything for this practice except your mind.
How do I use affirmations?
There are multiple ways of using affirmations. I personally love to write them down in my intention journal during my morning routine.
I also love this app called I am that sends you notifications with different affirmations. You can choose yourself what your focus is and when you want to get notifications.
You can just say affirmations in the morning or throughout the day, write them down, hang them on a mirror in your bathroom or so, or have them on your phone background or a vision board.
I am pretty sure there are many other usages of affirmations. You probably can even find videos or audio to listen to that will inspire and motivate you.
My favorite affirmations for self-care
This is a small portion of my favorite affirmations that I love to use daily whether I write them down or just say them to myself as a reminder throughout the day. Also, I love to use affirmations when I am stressed or in doubt. It helps me reassure myself that everything is alright and I am capable of dealing with whatever life throws at me.
- I express myself freely and authentically
- I love and respect myself
- I am being true to myself and honest with myself
- I am blossoming into my better self
- Every day I am becoming my better authentic self
- I am loved and protected
- I design my own life daily
- I am in charge of my life, my feelings, and my goals
- I love my body, my face, my skin
- I am strong and ready to face whatever challenges are on my way
- I am strong and capable. I can overcome any hardships
- I am focused on my goals, health, and my dreams
- I accept myself for who I am and I accept my life as it is
- I create my own opportunities
- I believe in myself, I can do whatever I set my mind to
- I am focused, organized and goal-oriented
- I forgive myself for the past mistakes and failures
- I allow myself to take time off to heal and relax
- I deserve to have a good, interesting, wealthy, healthy, and comfortable life
- I am focusing on positivity and things that I personally can change and influence
I hope you can find it inspiring and useful, and maybe you will include more affirmations in your day-to-day routine. I really love affirmations and think that they really brighten my day and make me focus on my goals and positive aspects of life.
If you have any recommendations or have specific affirmations that you love, leave the comment down below with suggestions!
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Header photo by Iqbal Nuril Anwar