How crazy is it? I turned 29 at the end of 2020 (December 31st, baby!) but I still feel like I was 21 or so yesterday. But I don’t regret getting old. Moreover, I am excited. Can’t wait to be 30 and rock it! But as someone who loves to reflect and does it at the end of every year, I decided to share 29 life lessons that I learned so far.
Life lessons I’ve learned
1| Our health is our everything. This life lesson I learned the hard way. But the older I get, the more I understand that taking care of our mental and physical health is extremely important.
2| The future is unknown and unpredictable yet we have the power to control it with our daily actions, thoughts, and the way we interact with society, those around us, and ourselves.
3| There is no need to argue with people when you know they will not change their minds, especially with family and close friends.
4| The power of words is extremely strong. A lot of the conflicts can be resolved if people can just sit down and talk to each other respectfully. I wish more people learned this life lesson, we would avoid so many conflicts.
5| There are so many things that will keep surprising me and when I think I know everything, I realize that I know nothing. Great life lesson to learn, isn’t it?
6| Expressing myself creatively is something that makes me incredibly happy and I wish more people could express themselves creatively too.
7| We always have a choice – how to act, how to react, where to go, what to think.
8| Life will always have ups and downs, but it’s up to us to get up after our hardships or let these negative moments affect us in a negative way. It will either make you or break you!
9| Sometimes it’s a blessing to not get what you want.
10| Ego and fears stand in the way to our dreams, goals, potential, knowledge. I noticed ego is a big thing that makes us blind and deaf a lot of the time. If we can let it go, the world can be a better place.
11| As an introvert, having supportive people and close friends with who I can share great memories is amazing! We need people.
12| Nature is beautiful and the more time I spend in nature, the more I appreciate it.
13| We have to lead by our own example. If someone does something, it doesn’t mean you have to do it too though!
14| It’s better to be your weird self than like everybody else.
15| It’s important to know your values, beliefs and stay true to yourself.
16| People will judge you no matter what. It’s sad but it’s true. So why not to do what you want then?
17| Saving money is cool! I love seeing bigger and bigger numbers in my account. But knowing how to save is a skill that we have to learn.
18| I am a maximalist and although I respect minimalists, I accepted the fact that I will never be a person with 2 pairs of pants, 3 T-shirts, and one book. It’s just not me and it’s ok.
19| Being open-minded gives us more perspectives and a better understanding of others, the world, and ourselves.
20| It’s very OK and normal to feel sad. I learned not to be harsh on myself when I feel down. I just let it all out and feel very refreshed afterward.
21| There is no one ultimate life purpose. All of us are born in this world for various reasons and to have the same expectations for everyone isn’t realistic.
22| We can’t stand up for everything and everybody, so it’s up to us which battles to fight. Animal cruelty? Environmental issues? Poverty? Equality? Racism? It’s up to you. It’s possible to be vocal and active in a few areas but we cannot fight for everything at the same time. But I think everybody can and should be responsible for becoming their best version and be more socially aware.
23| Life is way more simple than we think but a bit harder than we can imagine. I know 🤯
24| There is beauty in little simple moments and we need to cherish them. Appreciate what you have today because tomorrow you can lose it.
25| We will regret certain decisions no matter what. This is life. So why not take a risk and at least try? Or if you have regrets, let it go and make another step in a different direction? (yes, I learned it but still need to learn how to execute)
26| Life and the world do not wait for anyone. They serve whoever is first in line or whoever got the best drive and dedication.
27| Everything is possible (if we put it into action)!
28| Life is too short to spend it on the things you don’t like or something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Yes, a lot of us have to work, we have responsibilities. But if there are things that we can avoid or make ourselves more comfortable, just go for it!
29| You don’t owe anyone forgiveness or explanations. Especially if you’re on the healing journey, I really feel like it’s up to you to decide if you want to forgive anyone or explain why you do certain things.
Let me know what lessons have you learned and what do you want others to know.
Read my other blog post How to improve your lifestyle in 365 days.
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash