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Today I want to share my Spring Bucket List. However, I don’t have many ideas. This time around my list is more practical and things that I really need or want to do.
But I still try to romanticize my life, I found that it works the best for me, especially, when I go through hard times like recently.
Spring Bucket List
My goal this spring is to work on myself, my goals, my body and my mindset. I truly need a change or an inner shift, I feel very stagnant. And the truth is I’ve been feeling like that for a few years.
In the past years, I lost my interest in art, fashion, creativity, personal growth, and learning – the most important parts of my life and personality. Of course, I was creative and worked on myself here and there, but it was nothing like before, it was not enough for my soul.
So that being said, this spring is for creating something valuable in my life and to work on myself. So anyway, here is my bucket list.
Spring Bucket List 2023:
- Finish transforming and cleaning the garden and plant the flowers and seeds we got.
- Have a picnic by myself.
- Go to the Art Museum.
- Make a basket. Last week, I tried to make one from the English ivy from our garden and really loved it. Now I want to make more.
- Spring cleaning. I especially need to take care of our second room and finally put it together.
- Paint outside. I started crocheting outside and there is something special about it, so I also want to paint outside.
- Read around 10-12 books. I really need to catch up on my reading. Some of the books I am planning to read:
- Go somewhere new. A new store, coffee shop, park or hiking location are on my list.
- Start sewing.
- Write 4 substacks. I have many ideas but as always I wait until it is too late, so it has to stop ASAP. I started Substack last year and only posted once, I know it is a shame.
- Write 30 blog posts. I guess I can count this one as my first one.
- I want to be more active and start exercising more actively. So I want to exercise 2 times a week and do yoga or stretch once or twice a week as well.

What’s on your spring bucket list? Do you have any ideas? Share them in the comments!
Read more:
- 15 Things To Do This Spring
- Creating Authentic Life and Personal Motivation
- 10 Best Things To Remember About Life